Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why I Like Labcoats

Hello Batlings! Today I want to talk about something I love: Labcoats!
There are many reasons to love labcoats, which is why I've made this list:

Reason 1: Representation.
(Picture I Took From The Internet)

Some kids connect certain things with certain personalities (wearing pink bows with being sweet, for instance), and, I have to admit, I too am guilty of this.

I saw labcoats on cartoons; and, on cartoons, the only people who wore labcoats were the weird, fun, smart, and creative, science types; I soon developed an obsession with having a labcoat, as labcoats often signified who would end up being my favorite character on a show, or in a book.

Now, of  course, I understand that not all scientists wear labcoats, nor are all labcoat-wearers scientists, but the connection still stuck; and yes, I do have a labcoat, and I wear it on chilly days (or whenever else possible).

Reason 2: Pockets!
(Picture I Took From The Internet)

I love pockets! And why not? You can put stuff in them, you can warm your hands with them, you can do magic tricks with them; what's not to love?!

Something I didn't know about labcoats (until I got one, that is), is just how deep the pockets are! My entire hand, plus wrist, can fit in my labcoat pocket, and still have room for some knick-knacks!

The top pocket, while not as deep as the bottom two, is still pretty big, and really useful.

Reason 3: Style.
(Picture Of Me In My Labcoat)

You have to admit, I look really cool in that labcoat.

Labcoats are functional, fashionable, and really, really cool; they give you a good mindset, it's fun to keep things in their pockets, they're made from light materials, and they look awesome, so, I repeat:

(this time about labcoats, not just pockets)

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