Monday, August 10, 2020

Things To Remember

Hello Batlings!                                                                                                                                      Today, I want to tell you my opinions on how to live a healthy, happy, and full life!

A Random Symbol Of Life

(Created On My Computer By Me, Ari Korah)

Be Prideful

I hate it when people say 'don't be prideful'. Pride is a good thing; be proud of your accomplishments, be proud of your family, be proud of your abilities, just don't act like you're better than everyone else.

Be Curious

Curiosity is life; it's what inspires us to explore, to discover, to learn, and, ultimately, to survive. If anyone tells you that curiosity killed the cat, just respond with 'How?'; they will not have an answer, proving that they were never curious enough to find out.

Be Strong

Strength can come in many forms; physical strength, strength of mind, strength of will, all of which are important, and should be exercised to their fullest potential.

Be Peaceful

One of my mothers has a saying, It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war; but I think it's more important to be a warrior in a war, and a gardener in a garden. Everyone should know how to defend themselves and others, and everyone should be willing to fight for what's truly worth it, but you should never go looking for a fight, and should try to avoid fighting when you can.

(Note: My mom believes in peace, as I do, I was just using her expression for emphasis)

Be Respectful

Many people complain that they don't get enough respect, but then they don't respect anyone else; you should not give your respect to those who are cruel, but everyone else deserves respect, albeit some more than others. Don't be mean to everyone, then expect them to be nice to you; that's not how it works.

Be True

Be true to your family, be true to your friends, be true to your partner (if you have one), and be true to yourself, and your morals; only break your own ethics if there is absolutely no other choice, never betray family, don't disrespect your friends, and you'll be surprised at what can happen.

Bonus! Always put your family before anyone else, and they'll always have your back. Don't give your trust out to someone who hasn't earned it. Remember to have fun, and live long and prosper (even if you aren't a Trekkie!).

Comment on ways you live healthy, happy, and full lives!

Goodbye Batlings!

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