Thursday, August 20, 2020

The World According To Kitty Korah

Hello Catlings!

For this post, I will be pretending to be my sister, Kitty; I will tell you about the world according to her, including the fact that she thinks it should belong to her.

So, let's begin!

Mwa-ha-ha ha! Blah-blah-blah! Crazy words! Mustache! Are you ready to hear my opinions? Because I'm going to tell you them, whether you are or not!

Animals, according to me!
All animals love me more than they love anyone else, they all obey my every command, and non of them are as smart as my cat, Meowzza (pronounced Mouzza), because the she's the smartest animal EVER!

Facts, according to me!
My opinions are fact, everyone else is just wrong!

Playtime/chore balance, according to ME!!!
Playtime RULES! Chores DROOL! (Why can't we just get a maid?).

Life, according to me.
Life is a beautiful thing, and should not be wasted; every moment possible should be spent doing something, and life should have a purpose! I will be the greatest space engineer/genetic engineer EVER!

Note: the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this blog's author, Ari.k.

As your queen, I order you to comment, follow, and share!

Goodbye Catlings!

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