Saturday, August 15, 2020

Evolution Theory #3: Symbiotic Floatiness

 Hello Batlings!

I have somewhat of a ridiculous theory, but it just might be true.

Long ago, some ammonites used air pockets in their shells to float

(Picture from the internet)

The fact that ammonites used air got me thinking; they used air because it's less dense than water, so could something on land do the same thing with something less dense than air?

What if there was a plant that produced helium to spread it's seeds farther? (More on that in another theory). Creatures that ate the plant might be able to use the helium to do the same thing as the ammonite; such a creature would normally have the helium dispersed through it's blood, but could then concentrate it in pockets to float, just like the ammonite!

These creatures might even be able to sleep while floating! They could even develop a symbiotic relationship with the original plant, spreading the plant's seeds through their waste, and staying close to the plants in general.

The benefits to this adaptation are obvious; they could float, without using the energy it normally takes to fly with wings; they could sleep in a position where few predators could get to them (so long as they didn't run out of helium); and it would be harder for them to drown.

What do you think of my theory? Could it happen? Please comment your thoughts and feelings!

Goodbye Batlings!

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